On Wednesday 15th April FODC held it’s official launch of the bid for Lottery cash to commemorate the contribution
of Darwen’s soldiers of the First World War at Darwen Library.
The exhibition shows the blueprint for our grave trail and the plans for the
mock trench on the site of the Non Conformist Chapel in the Western
Cemetery, we would also like your to know your thoughts on our ambitious
plans and have facilities for you to have your say during the exhibition period.
The exhibition was opened by our FODC president, Colonel Steve Davies and
will run for a month.
Steve who was born in Darwen and later became commanding officer of
1st Battalion, The Queen’s Lancashire Regiment, wants as many townspeople
as possible to attend the exhibition to boost our chances of winning £100,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund towards the project.Our scheme’s centerpiece will be a large granite mock trench, complete with firing step which can be used as a bench for quiet reflection, overlooking the town.
The sides of the mock trench will have granite plaques to commemorate
individual soldiers. Schools and community groups will use the mock trench as
an outdoor activity and learning space.
FODC April 2015